Those things above shall be the frame of my story this time, because I’m not going to tell about what I’m doing with my students but more like thing I just did have the connection and the background of it.
This afternoon one of my student’s Mom gave me some gifts (kinds of food and a Mokena; outfit clothes for doing sholat/pray for Muslim woman). I brought those things home and the one that attracted my attention was the Mokena, usually people give that kind of thing just a day or two before “Idul Fitri” (one of big holiday for Muslims) with intention of giving ‘new’ clothes for the day. But this woman gave me ‘Mokena’ on the third day of fasting month, I was kind of thinking of the sincerity of the woman because instead of waiting for ‘Idul Fitri, she decided to give me on early fasting month.
I was happy when I opened it. It is a fine cotton fabric with simple but elegant embroidery, I love it very much. This might be the best I ever had, but suddenly another idea crossed on mind. The sincerity of the woman had made me think of the same thing to another person.
Just two doors next to my house, live an old woman. She lives alone, everyday she sells some cooked food to be sold to make her living. Actually she’s got 3 children but their condition also not helping much so she decided to make her own living so that she doesn’t have to bother her children…. She’s quite tough old woman, in the uncertainty of her condition she maintain struggle…
I went to her house this evening and gave her some of the food that I just got….then backed home. The Mokena was still lying on the edge of my bed and it’s kind of distracting me…. Like something attract me…. Sounds from my heart told me to do something with that. I was still waiting for like an hour when finally I understood what my heart just talked.
I hurry back to the old woman’s house and gave her the Mokena. I said that it would be nice for her wearing the Mokena during sholat tarawih (kind of night pray do in the mosque together for a month) in Ramadhan. She was very surprised and I could see the happiness and touchiness at the same time. Guess those feeling are also surrounded me. I could feel it into the deepest part of my heart … again God had let me experience such a beautiful moment for times.
1 komentar:
Thank you for blog-ing me. I salute you as a wholehearted teacher. I wish I could be that one someday. We need more and more `teacher` for our beloved young generations. Always be in compassion and stay happy with family.
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